2019 - Oversea Student from Turkey



本來有點擔心語言溝通問題,我還為此熬夜準備英文講義,所幸在開始上課之後一切都很順利,有些東西就算不知道怎麼說,還可以直接操作,或是透過畫圖都能表達,我認為畫圖甚至比說話更重要,另一方面,英語都不是我們的母語, 所以其實我們都講得算慢,只要單字跟形容詞用對都能聽懂,開玩笑地說,我們也像上了兩天的英文課,我也學到很多。


我們也有很多生活上的交流,他是個熱愛自由的大叔,他的名字Ozgur意思就是自由,他是個工程師,才剛離職並搬到Dacta,一個靠海的城市,很少人,面對Mediterranean Sea(地中海),後面幾公里就是是Aegean Sea,我說Aegean 的中文「愛琴」是非常美麗的詞彙,令人充滿遐想.....講到這裡我已經想要買機票了....



I am an engineer and 44 years old. After i quit my job I moved from Istanbul to a small town near seaside. In my new life I have decided to work with leather. After I began I realized that I need to learn some necessary technics in order to produce high quality products, because the difference of the works of masters and my own was huge and I really didn't know how to close that gap.

For sure, the tools used also have a significant effect on the quality. So I began my search, especially on Instagram. I followed the masters from Japan and I found also Steven, whose works are drew my attention. After some correspondence we decided the date, duration and the wallet, which we were going to make. First I visited Japan, bought some tools and visited some masters, then i went to Taiwan to meet Steven.

We worked 2 days to make a money clip. In these 2 days Steven not only taught me the required technics of this money clip, also he gave me many infos about every topic, which came up during our nice conversations. He is a generous man in every aspect.

English is a second language of both of us, however our communication was more than enough. My experience in those 2 days was very satisfying and fruitful.

While we were making the wallet I just felt that I am in safe hands. His mastery is almost complete and consistent in itself. I say "almost", because everyone has a room for improvement. His mastery at his relatively young age is admirable. He is a talented young man with a lovely, generous, disciplined, kind and elegant soul.

I also bought some tools from Steve, which he arranged before the lessons according to his advices and my needs.

Thank you again Steven for your guidance. I highly recommend to people who consider to improve their skills and see how a true master works, they should visit Steven.

Özgür Ocak